Aamir Khan has joined the circle of people from the Bollywood film industry who have paid tribute to legendary actor Pran, who sadly died last week aged 93. Aamir was fortunate enough to have worked with Pran in the film Isi Ka Naam Zindagi (1992). "He was an institution and we have lost one of the legends of Indian cinema," said Aamir to the Indian press. "We have learnt a lot from him. I was fortunate that I got to work with him in the beginning of my career in Isi Ka Naam Zindagi. He was the 'pran' (life) of every film."
Speaking about the distinctive impact which Pran had on Aamir, he had this to say. "I remember as a kid when I used to see Pran saab's name in the titles, I used to get scared such was his impact and work. He made a huge contribution to the Indian cinema."
Pran is considered to be one of the greatest actors/villains in Bollywood history. He is well known for his work in films like Madhumati (1958), Upkar (1967) and Zanjeer (1973). He was awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in May for his pivotal contributions to Indian Cinema.
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